I am addicted to Dan-O’s (Dan it all)


About a year ago, Dan Oliver sent me a few samples of his seasoning blend, Dan-O’s Original Seasoning.

Hailing from right here in Louisville, Oliver created his secret concoction several years ago, but it wasn’t until a friend tried a roasted chicken that Oliver had made with the blend that Oliver seriously considered taking it to market. He did. And Dan, if you’re reading this, thank you from the bottom of my belly.

No, really. I find the stuff so addictive that I sometimes wonder if one of the ingredients is crack. I started off sprinkling some on, of all things, an avocado. That was only the beginning. Next it was a healthy slab of Pacific cod. That led me to watching some of Oliver’s videos on his active (and always entertaining) Facebook page, where he demonstrated a pan-searing method with the Dan-O’s blend, and now I pan-sear meats with the spicy version several times a week. It changed the way I prepare meals permanently.

Try making some mahi-mahi tacos. Just liberally coat both sides of the fish and place it in a preheated pan, about a medium-high flame, and let it do it’s thing. A few minutes on each side (depending on the size of the fish) and you wind up with a delicious char that encrusts tender, flaky mahi mahi. Just break it apart with a fork, add it to a couple of tortillas with whatever toppings you choose, and you’re all set.

Oh, and it’s delicious on salmon, which I often prepare with mixed vegetables and garlic cloves. Try a tuna steak made the same way with some mashed potatoes. Which reminds me, Dan-O’s is godd*mn delicious on a baked potato. And chicken.

And if you’re planning to make a nice, big steak, on the grill or in a pan, coat it with Dan-O’s on both sides. It creates what I like to call a “mouth-gasm.” Making burgers? Same thing, or get a tad more creative and mix some in with the ground beef before making your patties.

Eggs? Yeah, definitely a good combo. Heck Dan-O’s is even spot-on sprinkled on pizza. Or vegetables. It would probably make a dead squirrel palatable. Or an old Converse tennis shoe.

And when you use Dan-O’s, you can dispense with the salt and pretty much any other spice you might use. It’s low in sodium, containing only a small amount of Sicilian sea salt, along with a variety of other ingredients, from lemon to garlic.

Aaaaand it’s even healthful, as it’s fine with pretty much any diet you might be trying out, from keto to paleo to atkins – even if you’re going low sodium to keep the old blood pressure in check.

By this point, after this rant, you probably think I’m exaggerating. Or high. Join the Facebook group Dan-O’s Fan-O’s (can’t make this stuff up) if you don’t believe me. It’s got more than 2,000 members. Yes, for a freakin’ spice blend. These people are believers, and so am I.

And if you run across a Dan-O’s booth at an event, stop and say hi, maybe get a sample, buy a bottle. Oliver will likely be there in full character, spinning phrases like, “This might be the best Dan seasoning you ever had” and “Dan-o-mite” and “Dan-O’s makes you say, ‘O Dan that’s good.’” While you’re there, say hi to Toothpick Timmy, Oliver’s sidekick who likely will be wearing a cowboy hat and boots – with gym shorts. (Again, you can’t make this stuff up.)

Or you can order Dan-O’s online or pick it up at a number of local retailers, including Kroger, Fresh Thyme Farmer’s Market and Paul’s Fruit Market.